Tree planting program which is the CSR program of PT. MUKTI MANDIRI LESTARI is a form of company’s concern for the environment to prevent the greenhouse effect and reduce global warming. This program also invites stakeholders, society and academics to join together to protect the environment.
The activity was held at Situ Ciganti Conversation, held on April 25, 2019, in collaboration with KPLHI, Peak Global and MML Group.
The Umrah employees of PT. MUKTI MANDIRI LESTARI,
In the framework of building and realizing devout human resources, physically and mentally prosperous, as well as creating a harmonious work environment with high quality results and sincerity at work, which can be done by human resources whose spirituality has been well preserved.
On this basis, the company provides opportunities for employees to carry out the Umrah pilgrimage.
PT. MUKTI MANDIRI LESTARI in company i activities is also active in social activities including donations for orphans and poor people.
This activity is part of the Company’s CSR Program which is routinely held by PT. MUKTI MANDIRI LESTARI as a form of concern for others. Granting of Orphanage which was given directly by Mr. Wawan as President Director to orphans living in the neighborhood around Bekasi
This activity aims to help the welfare of orphans in the surrounding environment and as a form of gratitude for PT. MUKTI MANDIR LESTARI